Welcome to Northern Water's REST Web Services

New Account Request

To utilize Northern Water's REST Web Services you need an account.

To request an account, please fill out the following form. All fields are required. Someone will contact you within five business days.

If you already have a Northern Water REST Web Services account and wish to modify it, please email REST@ncwcd.org.

Organization Name:The name of the requesting organization
Organization Address:The complete mailing address of the requesting organization: street, city, state and zip code
Contact Name:The requesting organization's primary contact
Contact Title:The contact's title or position within the organization
Contact Email Address:The contact's email address
Contact Phone:The contact's phone number, complete with area code and any extension
Data Request Purpose:For what purpose(s) will you be using the REST web service data
Data Request Frequency:How often you anticipate calling the REST web service (e.g., hourly, daily, etc.)

Please check each data service for which you are requesting access:
Historical Weather (hw)Historical weather data collected from Northern Water's weather stations. Data generally available within one day of current.
Flow Data (fd)Flow data from Northern Water's flow tracking system..
B O R (bor)BOR aggregate data
 I have read Northern Water's Data Policy and agree to abide by its terms.